Flexible, automated, and built to work across all of your locations.
Members will automatically see their benefits and exclusive pricing at checkout—whether they’re booking online or in person— and their benefits apply across all locations. You can even offer special benefits like military, friends & family, or service discounts to add extra value and attract more customers.
Design membership tiers that fits both your business and your customers. Discounts can apply to any service (like boarding, daycare, or grooming) or add-on, allowing you to create unique, tailored benefits for each membership tier.
Let Goose handle the heavy lifting. From recurring membership fee payments to automating discounts at booking and check out , Goose takes the bite out of administering membership.
Offer a seamless membership experience for customers with benefits available across all or selected locations. Each location can also create membership tiers to best suit its unique needs, creating a connected yet personalized experience.
Understand how your membership program is driving revenue and customer engagement. Goose provides detailed reports on returning customers, allowing you to make data-driven decisions for your business.